Monthly Archives: January 2017

Using LinkedIn to Expand Your Social Media Efforts

While LinkedIn is known as a place where business people connect and network, by that very nature it is a social media marketing platform as well. A personal or business entity can use LinkedIn to promote itself as well as make connections with other business people in an attempt to broaden one’s network. Aside from signing up and creating a profile on LinkedIn (which is of course the starting point) one of the most popular strategies is getting recommendations. A LinkedIn recommendation can be seen as social […]

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Tips For Marketing on LinkedIn

Before LinkedIn the usual way to network meant attending meetings, seminars, conferences, etc. While this still happens today, you are very limited in the number of people you can network with or contact. However, now with LinkedIn, you can network to technically millions of people, have access to a wider audience, and can do all of this from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. Not only can you attract new business through networking on LinkedIn but you can join groups of like-minded […]

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Spread The Word About Your Business Using LinkedIn

With so many powerful social media websites these days, it’s never been easier to connect with so many people even if you’re the only person in your business. If you set up your feeds correctly people can, for example, read on Facebook information about your business based on a Tweet which can lead to a connection on LinkedIn. It’s amazing how powerful this “viral marketing” can be and it makes sense why so many businesses are using such strategies. LinkedIn is a networking website aimed at professional […]

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Social Networking: The Next Great Marketing Medium

There has been a virtual explosion of social networking sites in the past couple of years. Even the big players like Google, Yahoo and MSN are getting into it. With so much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder if there is marketing potential within these social networks? I’ve been watching social networking for some time now. In fact I’m a member of various social networking sites including and just to name two. I joined partly because I wanted to see what […]

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Monetizing The Social Network

A review of ways marketers can align with these consumer hot spots. Online social networks are hot. Those who participate in them belong to two, three, four, maybe even more than 10 or 20 different ones. They enjoy their features, upload photos, request business contacts and talk with friends. For now, consumers get to do this for free. For now. Although social networking in the offline world may be well-established — monetized through conferences, venues, referral fees and headhunters — the online world seems to just be […]

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LinkedIn Basic Marketing Blunders

Like me, have you received email invitations like these? I’m using LinkedIn to keep up with my professional contacts and help them with introductions. Since you are one of the people I recommend, I wanted to invite you to access my network on LinkedIn. Basic membership is free, and it takes less than a minute to sign up and join my network. I’ve received well over 35 invitations like this, worded almost precisely the same way. The senders have acted surprised and offended that I did not […]

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Improving Your Social and Business Networking

Social networking is not a new phenomenon – people have been meeting together for centuries as a way of expanding their friendships, increasing their sense of community, and establishing new business relationships. And even in the last half century neighborhood or city-based networking organizations have arisen such as the Lions, Kiwanis, and Elks clubs along with those dedicated to pure networking like Business Networking International and LeTip. But it wasn’t until a website called sixdegrees was created a few years ago that online networking started to take […]

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Great Tips to LinkedIn Marketing Success is a social networking website where business owners and professionals gather to develop relationships as well as market their own brands. Marketing on LinkedIn is not like marketing on Twitter of Facebook. However, if done correctly, LinkedIn can be a great place to network with fellow business people to help your business grow. One of the first tips to mention is to try and get noticed. So, you have to sign up to LinkedIn to do this. Yes, that’s obvious but, if you haven’t done this […]

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How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

LinkedIn, like many (if not all) social networks has the potential to drive tons of targeted leads to your website. LinkedIn is about networking with like-minded business professionals and provides a wonderful platform to connect with people you otherwise wouldn’t connect with. Due to the networking aspect of its set up and members, it’s the perfect platform to market your business, skills, talents, products, services, and so on. LinkedIn is designed bring both professional individuals and businesses together. When you join, you should add as much information […]

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LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy

After you sign up with LinkedIn, it’s good to know that your profile is very important because it’s a place where others who would like to connect with you will visit first. Create an interesting profile to attract potential partners or business associates and entice them as well to click links to your web properties to learn more about you. Below we’ll provide some tips on how to take advantage of your time at LinkedIn. One thing people like to read is interesting stories about yourself. Why […]

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