LinkedIn Tips

Tips For Marketing on LinkedIn

Before LinkedIn the usual way to network meant attending meetings, seminars, conferences, etc. While this still happens today, you […]

Marketing On LinkedIn

Monetizing The Social Network

A review of ways marketers can align with these consumer hot spots. Online social networks are hot. Those who […]

LinkedIn Marketing Made Easy

After you sign up with LinkedIn, it’s good to know that your profile is very important because it’s a […]

Networking on LinkedIn

Spread The Word About Your Business Using LinkedIn

With so many powerful social media websites these days, it’s never been easier to connect with so many people even if you’re the only person in your business. If you set up your feeds correctly people can, for example, read on Facebook information about your business based on a Tweet which can lead to a connection on LinkedIn. It’s amazing how powerful this “viral marketing” can be and it makes sense why so many businesses are using such strategies. LinkedIn is a networking website aimed at professional […]

Social Networking: The Next Great Marketing Medium

There has been a virtual explosion of social networking sites in the past couple of years. Even the big players like Google, Yahoo and MSN are getting into it. With so much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder if there is marketing potential within these social networks? I’ve been watching social networking for some time now. In fact I’m a member of various social networking sites including and just to name two. I joined partly because I wanted to see what […]

Improving Your Social and Business Networking

Social networking is not a new phenomenon – people have been meeting together for centuries as a way of expanding their friendships, increasing their sense of community, and establishing new business relationships. And even in the last half century neighborhood or city-based networking organizations have arisen such as the Lions, Kiwanis, and Elks clubs along with those dedicated to pure networking like Business Networking International and LeTip. But it wasn’t until a website called sixdegrees was created a few years ago that online networking started to take […]

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively

LinkedIn, like many (if not all) social networks has the potential to drive tons of targeted leads to your website. LinkedIn is about networking with like-minded business professionals and provides a wonderful platform to connect with people you otherwise wouldn’t connect with. Due to the networking aspect of its set up and members, it’s the perfect platform to market your business, skills, talents, products, services, and so on. LinkedIn is designed bring both professional individuals and businesses together. When you join, you should add as much information […]